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Vacant Committees positions & Job Descriptions


Responsible for overseeing the execution of all PTSO related fundraisers, Will coordinate with other committees on resource needs (volunteers, flyers, posters, donations, etc) Reports to the board on events, needs, progress and profits.

Hospitality (coffee &, teacher appreciation week)
Hospitality shall be responsible for making everyone that interacts with the PTSO feel welcome. Hospitality shall also be responsible for making sure all staff, students, parents or community partners are shown appreciation when deserving recognition. Hospitality shall coordinate with other committees on resource needs (volunteers, press releases, newsletter/Web site recognition, thank you.). Hospitality reports to the board on events, needs, and progress.

Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator shall be responsible for soliciting and securing volunteers from the membership for PTSO of school needs. Volunteer Coordinator shall keep an organized database that is accessible to other committees and ensure that all members that have volunteered are given the opportunity to help. Volunteer Coordinator shall coordinate with other committees on an ongoing basis to ensure that the appropriate volunteers are present when needed. Volunteer Coordinator reports to the board on needs and progress.

News Feed/Updates
Publicity shall be responsible for all marketing, communication and advertising needs of the PTSO. Publicity shall develop and maintain the PTSO Web site and newsletter. Publicity shall coordinate with other committees on an ongoing basis to develop materials as needed (flyers, posters, press releases, newsletter/Web updates, etc). Reports to the board on needs and progress.


Event Coordinator

Planning of events such as Multi Cultural, movie nights, and creating events to bring Parents, Students and the community together while incorporating the curriculum. Leads will need to work closely with the Volunteer committee and the news feed committee


Grocery Store Updates

Track family participation and monthly earnings. Be able to report on at monthly meetings and send updates to be posted on the PTSO portion of the FCW website


Liaison with Teachers & Staff

Student Volunteer to receive via email (VP’s will distribute the emails to the students) questions from parents regarding school policies, suggestions and concerns. The students will work with teachers and administration to answer questions and then post the answers. The will also report at the monthly PTSO meetings

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